Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!


hanging on till the end.

weighed in 217.
day one nonsmoker (will we ever get past 6 days?)

Morning everyone.  I had a crazy week. I had a training course at work so I wasnt around much to post any new articles.  Then this weekend I moved in with my aunt. So I finished this week at 217.  One pound up from last week.  Im ok with that though. I wasnt trying very hard during traing and moving. I chose to take the better alternative when it arose. I.E: salad instead of big greasy burger. or cheesy patato soup but no bread. Fish and beans but no tortillas.   So I did much better then what I could have. I started my day today with a bowl of cereal. Haha and now Im rembering that as of tomorrow Nov. 1st I am officially vegan for a month. so what to do for breakfast. Rice milk time. : ) Im back on plan for today though. : )

The end justifies the means. As many of you know I have been having a tough time hanging on.  It has as of today been 6 months since I started this lifetime journey. I have lost 38lbs. It is a huge accoplishment for me. : ) But im finding it tough to stick to plan. especially around all these holidays.  (NOvember is birthday month in my family at least 10bdays) While losing 38lbs is a huge accomplishment I still have 77 to go.  How do I find the will to keep going? How do I hold on?
  1. Visualize- One of the greatest things I have ever read was about visualizing the end result. What is it  that you are striving to succeed. Visualize why it means so much to you.  Why do you want it so badly and what do you think it will change? What will be different for you? What will you be able to do that you wouldnt have been able to do? What will you accomplish?
  2. Make a list of goals and your visualizations-  Everyone knows Im obsessed with list making. Why? I am obsessed with lists because no matter how much you imagine and visualize.  Those dreams never seem real till we make them concrete. My favorite way to make them concrete is through a list.  Your dreams seem more real and attainable when your able to touch them and look at them.
  3. Check off your list.- Whats the point of visualizing and making goals if you never record when they are met? By looking and seeing the mini goals you have accomplished it will keep you inspired for the next round of a mini plateu or a small let down. You will be able to see the big picture. : )

Here are my examples.

My Why's and Visualizations for my weightloss and journey to health:
1. is to feel confident
2. feel comfortable in clothing (any clothing)
3. feel good in a bathing suit
4. go horseback riding
5. go rock climbing
6. run after my nephews without getting tired
8. feel sexy
9. dress sexy for my BF
10. shop at any store i want
11. love buying clothes
12. be happy
13. run a marathon
14. take a pose on a car
15. getting my nails done and knowing that my finished hands are just an accessory not the only thing i think looks pretty
16. live a long and healthy life
17. have children without it being high risk
18. twist and bend how I want
19. run with my dog
20. Know Im living life to the fullest

 Mini Goals Acheived and Future Goals:
  1. Lose a pound- 5/03/11
  2. Lose 5lbs- 5/10/11
  3. Lose 10lbs-5/27/11
  4. Stick with journey for 1 month-6/01/11
  5. Lose 10% of goal weight(11.5lbs)-6/12/11
  6. Lose 15lbs-6/24/11
  7. Acheive a full 10days on plan (no cheats)- 7/20/11
  8. Lose 20lbs-7/21/11
  9. Stick with journey for 3 months-8/01/11
  10. Lose 25lbs-8/05/11
  11. Lose 25% of goal weigh(28.75lbs)-9/06/11
  12. Lose 30lbs-9/10/11
  13. Lose 35lbs-10/05/11
  14. Weigh 220lbs So that I can ride a horse- 10/05/11
  15. Lose 30% of goal weight(34.5lbs)-10/06/11
  16. Quit smoking for good- 10/25/11
  17. Stick with journey for 6 months-
  18. Stick with journey for 1year-
  19. Lose 40% of goal weight(46lbs)-
  20. Lose 50% of goal weight(57.5lbs)-
  21. Go horseback riding-
  22. Lose 40lbs-
  23. Lose 45lbs-
  24. Lose 50lbs-
  25. Pant size 9-
  26. Go for 2weeks to the gym everyday-
  27. Make Goal-
  28. nonsmoker for 1week-
  29. nonsmoker for 1month-
  30. nonsmoker for 6months-
  31. Run a mile at running pace-

Have a great day all! Do anything you can to keep holding on! : )

Friday, October 28, 2011

Inspirational Weightloss Quotes

How bout some inspirational Weightloss Quotes for today?

"Complaining will not change things in your life; only action will. Make a list of all you need to do to change what doesn't work in your life and, little by little, begin making those changes."
-Susan Jeffers

"The price of success is much lower than the price of failure."
-Zig Ziglar

"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like and do what you'd rather not."
-Mark Twain

"Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other."
-Robert F Kennedy

"It is time for us to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever, the one who recognises the challenge and does something about it."
-Vince Lombardi

"There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibilty for changing them."
-Denis Waitley

"Always concentrate on how far you have come, rather than how far you have left to go."
-H. Johnson

"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go."
-W. Feather

"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."
-H. Ford

"There is nothing impossible to him who will try."
-Alexander the Great

"The life you have led doesn't need to be the only life you have."
-C. Clurman

"Happiness is different from pleasure. Happiness has something to do with struggling, enduring, and accomplishing."
-G. Sheehan

"We are made to persist. That's how we find out who we are."
-T. Wolff

"Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are only so many tomorrows."
-M. Landon

"Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can."
-R. Bach

"Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to."
-G. Clegg

"Fall seven times, stand up eight times."
-Japanese Proverb

"Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy."
-Bill Blackman

"Never, never, never give up."
-Winston Churchill

"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables spelled as good as bacon."
-D. Larson

"So long as there is a breath in me, that long will I persist. If I persist long enough, I will win."
-Og mandino

Today Im needing some inspiration. If you are to. I hope this helps.
Day 3 non smoker

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

goals acheived to date

Since my spiral began I have implemented a zillion little goals and today I need to look at them to keep my spirits up. I need some inspiration. This will now be the place to come when I need a pick me up.
Start Weight:255
Goal weight: 140
Start date: 5/01/11

Mini Goals Acheived and Future Goals:

  1. Lose a pound- 5/03/11
  2. Lose 5lbs- 5/10/11
  3. Lose 10lbs-5/27/11
  4. Stick with journey for 1 month-6/01/11
  5. Lose 10% of goal weight(11.5lbs)-6/12/11
  6. Lose 15lbs-6/24/11
  7. Acheive a full 10days on plan (no cheats)- 7/20/11
  8. Lose 20lbs-7/21/11
  9. Stick with journey for 3 months-8/01/11
  10. Lose 25lbs-8/05/11
  11. Lose 25% of goal weigh(28.75lbs)-9/06/11
  12. Lose 30lbs-9/10/11
  13. Lose 35lbs-10/05/11
  14. Weigh 220lbs So that I can ride a horse- 10/05/11
  15. Lose 30% of goal weight(34.5lbs)-10/06/11
  16. Quit smoking for good- 10/25/11
  17. Stick with journey for 6 months-11/01/11
  18. Get through a vacation without gaining- 11/28/11 (Thanksgiving in Santa Rosa)
  19. Lose 40lbs-12/01/11
  20. End of the year 3FC challenge winner!(35lbs lost in challenge)-01-01-12
  21. Lose 45lbs- 12/28/11-redo 1-16-12
  22. Lose 40% of goal weight(46lbs)-12/29/11-redo- 1-18-12
  23. Pant Size 15- 1-23-12.
  24. Lose 50lbs-2-18-12
  25. Stick with journey for 1year-
  26. Lose 50% of goal weight(57.5lbs)-
  27. Lose 75% of goal weight(86.25)-
  28. 195lbs get two of the wanted skirts!-
  29. 180lbs summer june challenge!-
  30. 180lbs get two more of the wanted skirts!-
  31. 160lbs get two more of the wanted skirts!-
  32. Go horseback riding-
  33. Pant size 9-
  34. Pant size 14-
  35. Pant size 12-
  36. Pant size 7-
  37. Go for 2weeks to the gym everyday-
  38. Make Goal weight 140lbs-
  39. Run a mile at running pace-
  40. Reach overweight BMI at 29.8 will be 190lbs-
  41. Reach healthy BMI at 24.0 will be 153lbs-
  42. Reach goal BMI of 21.9 will be 140lbs-
This feels great to see all written down. Looking at what I have done so far give me strength to keep goin. : )
I suggest lists for anyone that is going on a long journey in there life. Such as getting a degree, or a long trip. We all have checklists. This process of a helathier me also means a journey that I have a checklist for. They are goals of acheivement that remind me how far I have come and how hard I have worked. Please join me and make a checklist in your life with whatever it is your struggling with.

last edited-11-15-11

Winston Churchill: Never, never, never, never give up.

Harriet Beecher Stowe: When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.

Lee Iacocca
You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance.

what to do when your not seeing results?

1 day non smoker
weigh in ??? didnt weigh in today

          So last night I went way off plan. : (   I have been feeling really down and nervous about moving and about my plan seeming not to be working anymore. I know that me moving is for the best. I cant sleep almost every night and if I cant sleep how is my mind supposed to be healthy?  I will still be seeing my family everyday so I know I will be fine.  its just making this jump thats got me so nervous.
          Also last night I went out to dinner with a great friend I havent seen in a while. We had a wonderful time catching up and talking.  We ended up having a huge dinner.  We had appetizer and meal. lol! We were stuffed.  I havent felt that stuffed in a very long time and I didnt like it at all! Then after dinner I had a cigarette. So I feel pretty bad about that to. 
         Then the last few weeks I have been losing so slowly. Its really wearing me down. Im trying to look at the big picture here but its been getting a bit tough. This blog is supposed to be for myself to figure out my plans and write out my thoughts on paper. So thats what Im doing. I need to completly change my plan I think. Its not working right now and hasnt been working to well for a while. I think its time for actually eating HEALTHY again. When I first started I was eating half organic and half regualar. but basically all fruits and veggies. Its time for that again. No more fattening foods within my calories. The Only problem I face right now? Totally and completly flat broke till Friday!  I want to be good now and start my plan now but I cant. I feel like Im going to be down in the dumps till Friday.  I dont really like the idea of that though. So, I know I have to make the best of it.
        I know that till Friday, I can only plan for my new plan.  So that just what I will do.  

New Plan of Action till December 1st:
1.  Food intake-
  • Stick to calories
    • Count calories
      • keep track on Loseit app.
    • Eat only when hungry
      • if im not hungry and eat under my calories one day the next day I will probably be more hungry and i can take from the calories of the previous day.
      • if im still not hungry well then my body doesnt want it.
  • Eat only Raw foods
    • Any type of fruit or veggie
    • 2/3's - veggies  / 1/3 fruits
      • remember there are only so many fruits and veggies so choose wisely and make sure to plan a variety
      • shop for 2-3 days at a time
    • Can not be cooked except on Fridays and Saturdays (i.e veggie burger treat)
    • watch the starches
    • no processed grains, meat, or dairy- till December 1st (except on thanksgiving/ and Halloween)
2. Excercize
  • Excercize clause
    • excercize for at least 10min everyday
      • it can be walking, situps, video, or anything but for at least 10min a day
        • try for more than ten but if unable at least ten
  • Walk  more
    • walk to stores and destination whenever possible
      • i.e- Target, Stater Bros., Sprouts, Nina's
3. November Weightloss Goals
  • Lose 8lbs
  • Stick to Plan
  • Excercize for at least 10minute each day.
  • Designated cheat days- Thanksgiving, Mom's Birthday, and Halloween.
  • Start date October 28th
  • End date December 1st

Feeling alot better now that I have my plan mapped out. : )

From today on I will eat as healthy as possible with the resources I have at hand now.

"In eating, a third of the stomach should be filled with food, a third with drink and the rest left empty."

Monday, October 24, 2011

baby steps in life.

day 6 nonsmoker
weigh in 216.2

Today is feeling like a baby steps kind of day.  Just flowing with the day. Im almost to the end of my 90days personal challenge and im not going to make it. Ive also realized my hopes were a little to high. I knew I wasnt working out because of school and I knew Im still not the greatest with sticking to a completly healthy plan. i.e: pizza. although its in my calorie budget its not that nutrient filled lol.  So i lost 1.8lbs over the weekend. : ) but now since im completly and utterly broke its time for me to really watch what I eat. No  breaking down and going to the lunchtruck. (even if she doesnt charge me till payday) Today my dad sent me with two salmon steaks some mashed patatoes and greenbeans for lunch! So excited. : ) Today sticking to a healthy calorie plan and not going over on calories. thats the baby step goal for today. : )

Friday, October 21, 2011

A new tweek to plan... and Friday!

day 3 nonsmoker
weigh in 217.6

      Its Friday and the week is just about over.  Woo hoo cant wait till works over to. This weekend my BF wont be coming down to visit. I wont be going up to visit either.  So this weekend is a focuse on protein. My plan consists mainly of calorie counting. I want to see if I can switch it up a bit though. For the last few weeks I have not been losing during the week and have been losing very slowly on the weekends. My 90 day goal challenge for myself will be over in 9 days. My weightloss has slowed significantly. I planes to lose 30lbs. I have lost 13lbs so far. I ahve 17lbs left. I know I will not force myself into harm in order to make that goal. I just realise that I need to change some stuff up.  I have a daily allottment of 1,582 cals. Wich is a 1000 calorie deficit for my body type. This weekend I will only be eating non carb fruits and veggies and lots and lots of protein! I have the beef jerkey and the nuts to prove it! We will see how it stirs up my body and if its working well I will continue it through the rest of the month. : )

A couple of things to remember with counting your calories.  Dont ever go over 1000 calorie deficit and dont eat under 1200 cals.  Also never forget to calculate your calories for your individual weight, height, and age.  If you need a calorie calculator please visit:  I use its been quite accurate for me. : )

Day 3 nonsmoker- Yes Im actually in day 3 and i cant beleive it! Today I purchased a bag of beef jerky and a jar of nuts. lol today i will be snacking on both of them all day long! lol Not smoking make me have cravings and a bit of a hungry harry.  I also have been having some major mood swings good thing the BF isnt here. He may find me to be a real witch. (replaced with a capital B...)  Truly thats no understatement that comes from my own point of view.

Also another mini goal is slowly creeping up: 18.6lbs till I get these skirts.
My goal of Onederland comes with at least 2 of these four skirts and the other two shortly after. : ) Cant wait till 199!


The owner is the sweetest she is holding material for these handmade skirts just for me!
If youd like to visit or go shop! check it out!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Quitting Smoking

Weigh in 218.

Day 2 not smoking.
Symptoms- Nervoussness, Hunger, Ravenous Hunger, shortness of breath, and Anxiety. 

So today is day 2. Im not sure if I can take it much longer but Im not giving up if I have any strength left at all. Not only do I know about it but everyone knows Im quitting. Im tired of cigarettes dictating my breaks and pauses in my daily life.  I smell, i cough, my lungs are black. Not anymore. So I thought why not list all the reasons. With weightloss we are taught to list reasons why we want it. We are told to visualize why being healthy will improve our lives. So why would quitting improve my life?

my list:
1. I dont want cancer!
2. I dont want to wake up coughing anymore.
3. I dont want to waste $150 a month on cigarettes.
4. I dont want to be a smoker.
5. I want to be healthy.
6. I dont want my future kids to see mommy smoking.
7. I dont want to smell like cigarettes or have that nasty taste.
8. Id like to keep my lungs, my jaw, my throat, oh and my voice.
9. Whats the point of getting healthy when im constantly doing more damage then good?
10. Most of all I dont want to shed years off of an already short life. In other words: I DONT WANT TO KILL MYSELF

So with all of these reasons already inside my head and those who smoke. Why is this time different? Today Im facing it. No longer will i pretend.
     Ive also learned that when I post articles on my blog. It forces me to truly look at them. I have tried to quit smoking loads of times.  Only this time im truly wrapping my head around. Why do I feel like I must smoke. Why do I like smoking? I hate it so much but, why keep doing it? 
 According to some research that most already know about.  Its basically mind over matter. Smoking makes us beleive like many "addictions" that we cant live without it.  Really with smoking it means form a new "habit".  When you go to sit in that chair outside the nightclub or restauraunt with your friends and realize, "this is my cue."  Start a new habit.  Twirl your hair, put some chapstick on, or pop a hard candy in your mouth.  When sitting with family outside talking.  Know that its ok to not have something in your hands.  Even while typing it these things seem ridiculous. Yet they are all true.  Nervous thoughts and fidgeting is what got you in the habit in the first place now lets knock it! Heres some great reasons why to...

"Cigarettes alone kill more than 400,000 Americans each year–more than AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, murders, suicides, illegal drugs, and fires combined. And smoking can harm not just the smoker, according to the Environmental Protection Agency and other experts, but also family members and others who breathe “secondhand smoke.” "---Surgeon General C. Everett Coop

Over 50% of adults who continue to smoke will end up dieing due to a smoking related sickness or disease. Tabacco is considered the "single largest preventable cause of death and disease in the U.S." 

Check this out-

20 Minutes After Quitting
Your heart rate drops.
12 hours After Quitting
Carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal.
2 Weeks to 3 Months After Quitting
Your heart attack risk begins to drop.
Your lung function begins to improve.
1 to 9 Months After Quitting
Your coughing and shortness of breath decrease.
1 Year After Quitting
Your added risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker’s.
5 Years After Quitting
Your stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker’s 5-15 years after quitting.
10 Years After Quitting
Your lung cancer death rate is about half that of a smoker’s.
Your risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases.
15 Years After Quitting
Your risk of coronary heart disease is back to that of a nonsmoker’s

Negative calories???

weighed in at 218

Im doing pretty good today. The darling BF is feeling alot better. The family is doing better and Im completly on plan. Oh and did I mention my plan included a pumpkin spice latte today? Lol a bit of a cheat.

       As I go throught his transferring proccess from my old server to my new server I will be incorperating some of my most popular articles from the previous blog to the new blog. I found that my article for Negative calories was probably the most popular article. It is quite controversial but its packed with info. So I hope this helps. Have a great day!

Negatvie calories??? Are they for real?
        Today I came across some lovely benefits to raw foods.  As I was performing my daily nutritional research I came across a websites article. In this article they explain "Negative Calories"  i almost laughed when reading at first and then was in awe.  First off I was in a mocking attitude because there is no such thing as a negative calorie food.   Although, the writer goes on to explain that its not that they are "Negative in calories" its that the cause a "deficit"while digesting.  The writer claims that these raw fruits and veggies take more calories digest than they are worth.  Isnt that a lovely little Idea?
In many ways it makes sense. Although I am not positive about the whole Negative attributes. I do know that when eating only "Raw Foods" your body literally melts away the pounds. Your body has more energy and is able to burn whats eaten more readily and quickly.  This is why fruits and veggies are so good for us. It is what our body was made to mainly eat of.  Many fruits and veggies promote healthy digestion, metabolism, and energy.  Fruits and veggies even stave off hunger paings. So lets eat "Raw Foods"
Here is a list of foods that was posted in the article.
Negative Calorie Vegetables
  • Asparagus
  • Beet root
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Carrots
  • Chicory
  • Chili
  • Cucumber
  • Garlic
  • Green beans
  • Lettuce
  • Onion
  • Radishes
  • Spinich
  • Turnips
  • Zucchini
Negative Calorie Fruits
  • Apple
  • Blueberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cranberries
  • Grapefruit
  • Honeydew
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Mango
  • Orange
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Tomato
  • Tangerines
  • Watermelon
for more information and a list of many of these foods take a look at this website:

Have a strong wonderful day!

Welcome! Lets get the spiral going in a good way!


Hi my name is Jessica. This is my second blog. It is basically going to be about diet and weightloss. Also about everything else in my life from work to school to family. I hope to see my followers come over here to follow me to my new home.

About my history: I have been an overweight person and unhealthy for most of my life. Just about a 6 months ago that all changed. Im done with it. I have lost 37lbs so far.  I am developing into a new Person and I am extatic about it. There are tough days and there are wonderful days. No matter what happens I am in this for the long haul! So excited and i cant wait to be who I really am inside.   I began my life of happiness. 5-25-11

I hope you enjoy!

my originaly blog was-
if you would like to see some of my other history.