Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2nd to last day of February.

weigh in 203.8

February Recap:
        This month was a tough month. I had some crazy cravings before TOM and after.  I started at 207.4 this month. So I lost 3.6lbs wich really isnt that great but its still a loss. I slacked off alot this month. Its a short month but its only short by two days.  I know where I went wrong and I know how to fix it. I have to know that I am strong enough to do this because I am.  I received my skirts that I am not allowing myself to wear until my goal of 199lbs! :)
         Through this month I also made it to a mini-goal of 50lbs! So I went to the Museum of Tolerence! It was very inciteful and such an amazing experience. I also got myself a few new pairs of pants. :)  To know that as of now I have gotten through 9months of a lifestyle change! I am almost to my 1 year anniversary! I have come so far and feel so good. Its amazing that I have been able to do this for this long. :) Heres to another month!

March Hopes and Goals:

          I have few thoughts for march.  I know I want to stick to plan and be honest with myself with snacking because ive had a few days of oversnacking this month.  I also want to finally get under 200.  So here are my goals for March.  Although My plan for march may change in a couple days when March starts.  This is what Im thinking for my mini goals.

1. Stick to plan
2. Make it to 199lbs
3. Try for 195lbs.
4. But go for 5lbs lost.


I'm through accepting limits, cause someone says they're so. Some things I cannot change but 'til I try I'll never know!" ~ Wicked ~

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