Wednesday, December 28, 2011

to long...

weigh in 209.8

  Goodmorning everyone. Wow it has been a long time since I have written. So much has happened.  I got in an accident. (fender bender)  My back is pretty messed up and I have been going to the Chiropractor.  I had a pretty ok Christmas. I wasnt able to participate in everything due to my back but all in all it was good. I took a holiday from being on plan. Wich wasnt planned. Through Christmas I kind of lost most of my self control. I didnt do horrible but i didnt do good either.  I was 208.6 before my days off and after Christmas coming back yesterday I weighed in at 210.8.  Today I am at 209.8.  Hopefully I will make it to my goal of 209 by Dec 21st.  I am on plan again since yesterday.  I am finding it difficult to stay on plan and I remember this from the last time I fell off plan. It is very hard to stick to plan the first few days to the first week and then after taht its clock work again. As long as I stay aware of it. I plan on taking some more pics at 199. Wow 9.8lbs from Onederland! So crazy. 
     So about my Holiday cheats. I have no one to blame but myself. I have so many tools from my blog to my phone apps.  I personally chose to go without them and allowed my self control to go by the wayside. It was like a small haze of not looking at the toolbox that I had in my back pocket but the haze is gone and Im back roaring. I could definetly get sad and disgruntled about it but, why? Will that help? No its only going to cause me to feel bad and cheat more. Im not perfect and I dont claim to be. So I am going to own up to my actions and keep chugging along.

Some tools I have to remember to use from now on:
  1. Baby steps
  2. Holiday tips
  3. Weightloss does not equal entitlement

I have to remember to take my own advice.  I hope all is well! Thank you. : )
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