Monday, November 7, 2011

weightloss baby steps...

weigh in 217.6
day 1 nonsmoker (again)

          So this weekend I stayed within my calorie amount. Although I fell of the wagon of raw foods.  I feel so good when only eating raw foods. Unfortunately though i crave meats and dairy like crazy! I had fish, pepperoni, and lots of cheese this weekend. So I realize I really do want to go 30 days on a raw diet cleanse but I think I need to take some of my own past advice. Im gonna put my money where my mouth is and take some of my preaching and words.  Baby Steps, lol I wrote a huge article on Baby Steps.  It was all about how taking one small step at a time can make a huge difference in the end. So today I am letting go of meat and next monday i will let go of something else and soon i will be on a raw diet.  This will be tough but absolutely simple. I need to remember to remember all of the tools I have learned and use to use them.  Here is my article for Baby Steps in my previous article.

The point is BABY STEPS! Take baby steps. For me it is the easiest way to succeed.  My whole life I have struggled with my weight. Why should I try to be the best version of me overnight? well I know I cant.  I started with limiting. I limited my calories to what is healthy for me to lose 2lbs. a week.  then slowly i realised well shoot 1974 cals can be one meal at MC D's!!  So i began to take baby steps towards fruits and veggies.  Seeing as they are very high in nutrients and very low in calories. I thought, this is great. I could have 1 bigmac and fries or i could stuff myself with fruits and veggies and then when i get hungry again i can do it again and maybe one more time. Then i realized that as i lost weight my calories decreased. UH OH! so you mean i cant keep eating 1974 cals? My next baby step was portion control and the blah of only fruits and veggies. I looked for variety. I made good memories and associations to these foods. So far in the four months of my journey I have taken so many tiny little steps in my life i cant even truly count!  Everytime i try to take a leap. I fall back a bit more.  Then I retrace and pick up where I left off. Only to take one more tiny Baby Step.
         My weightloss buddy is this way as well. So my final thought. BABY STEPS really do work. : )
So if your not quite ready for excercize or the next step its ok do it when your ready. That doesnt mean never start either. That was my problem for a while. What i mean is easy does it. If you dont feel like your ready but you want to start somewhere. Then make 1 small change everyday.  Ill give some examples of a few steps that i have had  to practice with. (i wish this was the order they came in as it looks so easy. lol its challenging but worth it and the new step that you know you need doesnt come over night either) Defintel do not do not move onto another step till you have it under control either.    
A few example steps:
1. Whats my calorie alottment?
2.  Learn to stick to my calorie alottment.
3.  Find delicous low calorie snacks and meals I love. (this one never ends)
4. Eat for a benefit. Not for only taste. (still need a yummy taste though)
5. Learn how to stick to plan even while on vacation.
6. Learn how to stick to plan even when life gets a bit down.
7. realise why i over eat! what are my triggers?
8. No more candy till goal except gum.
There are a plethora of steps and different triggers I have delt with.  One of the hardest triggers for me is vacations, and holidays. i.e. : friends bday nom nom nom. lots of food.  but the foods not for me. : ( well no not exactly. if i stay strong i can have a bit and then bring a veggie platter and eat mostly that. : ) different things like this give tools to success. Control what your able to and all you can control is yourself. This is a proccess and we are all learning and growing from it.

In closing thank you all for your comments! Your kind word and your critiques. They are a source of joy for me. As always thank you and I appreciate you all!

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